Shiunko Healing Burn Salve
This healing salve is used in direct or rice-grain moxa application (in Japanese okyu) to create a a barrier between the skin and the moxa to prevent burns, and aid the effectiveness of application. It contains all natural ingredients, and is also great for kitchen burns, wind chapped lips, eczema and psoriasis. Caution: contains beeswax; if you have a bee allergy, test before using.
ingredients: lavender essential oil (lavandula angustifolia), zi cao (radix arnebiae/lithospermi), dang gui (angelica sinsensis) , tocopherol, beeswax and sesame oil
This healing salve is used in direct or rice-grain moxa application (in Japanese okyu) to create a a barrier between the skin and the moxa to prevent burns, and aid the effectiveness of application. It contains all natural ingredients, and is also great for kitchen burns, wind chapped lips, eczema and psoriasis. Caution: contains beeswax; if you have a bee allergy, test before using.
ingredients: lavender essential oil (lavandula angustifolia), zi cao (radix arnebiae/lithospermi), dang gui (angelica sinsensis) , tocopherol, beeswax and sesame oil
This healing salve is used in direct or rice-grain moxa application (in Japanese okyu) to create a a barrier between the skin and the moxa to prevent burns, and aid the effectiveness of application. It contains all natural ingredients, and is also great for kitchen burns, wind chapped lips, eczema and psoriasis. Caution: contains beeswax; if you have a bee allergy, test before using.
ingredients: lavender essential oil (lavandula angustifolia), zi cao (radix arnebiae/lithospermi), dang gui (angelica sinsensis) , tocopherol, beeswax and sesame oil